Do you look on your property and just shake your head at the things you've accumulated? Maybe you have things like car parts, old bicycles that you never repaired, swing sets your kids haven't used for years and years and other junk. Perhaps your spouse has been asking for quite some time for you to clean up the area. Or, it might be that you yourself have realized that it's time for the big cleanup.
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If you are involved in a school or other facility that caters to children, you may understand some of the challenges that come with teaching children what recycling means and getting them to participate. A few principles will help you set up a great recycling program in your facility that is accessible to children of all ages.
Having the Right Containers
The first thing to get right is the containers that you will use for your recycling program.
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If you're like many modern consumers, you upgrade your electronics on a fairly frequent schedule -- getting new smartphones when your cell carrier contract ends, purchasing a new "smart" television to help cut the cord on cable, or investing in tablets for the entire family before a long trip. While this can keep you on the cutting edge of new technology, it also generates a lot of waste. Other than trading in your late-model smartphones for a credit on your new phone or selling your used electronics on an online yard sale, you may be at a loss when it comes to proper disposal of obsolete electronics (or "
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Recycling has come a long way since the first Earth Day celebration was held more than four decades ago, on April 22, 1970. Once a somewhat obscure practice, recycling is now an accepted part of everyday life for most families in America. Even with this level of popularity, however, families still struggle with the problem of how to conveniently sort and store recyclable cans, bottles, plastics and paper trash until they can be picked up at the curb or taken to a local recycling center.
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Cleaning up your yard is a great way to improve the look of your home's exterior. Piles of junk and unused or rarely-used items can accumulate around your yard and make things look unkempt. Hauling away your junk with a rented trash bin is a great idea, but first look to see what items you can recycle and even earn some money from. Here are three types of yard clutter you can sell, recycle, or reuse before you dump it.
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