Enjoy A Green Camping Trip With The Family
Camping is a favorite summertime pastime of many, but there are a lot of things you should make sure you do when you are taking your family camping. You want to be sure you and your loved ones enjoy the best time possible without causing damage to the land you are visitors of. It's important for you to learn how you can camp while going green. This way, you will know you are all doing your parts to ensure that nice campground or other camping area you enjoy your time at will still be there for families to enjoy in that same way for years to come. Here are some green tips you want to be sure you keep in mind when you take your family camping in the future:
Bring your bikes
If you are going to be camping near a store or will have other places nearby that you want to go to while on your trip, then consider packing up the bikes. This will allow you the opportunity to enjoy the fresh air in nature while you ride them around. Also, it will cut down on emissions while you leave your vehicles parked at the camping spot.
Pack green items for your camping trip
Green camping all starts with packing green items. Be careful what you buy for your camping trip when you are at the store. You'll notice that Styrofoam plates tend to be quite a bit cheaper than paper plates. However, the paper plates are green, and the Styrofoam ones aren't. Therefore, the choice should be an easy one. The same is true for your choice of cups; you want to stay away from the Styrofoam ones. You can get plastic ones if you plan on recycling them. Otherwise, you should opt for the cups made from paper material. In many cases, you can even find ones that are already made from recycled material, and this would be an added bonus.
Bring things you can reuse
Another thing you want to do when you are packing for your camping trip is to pack things you can reuse or even things that you can use for other purposes. The more items you pack that you can then use again or for something else, the less you have to carry into the camp and the less you have to worry about disposing of. One example of how you can reuse things would be a store-bought prepared salad. If you get one that comes in a plastic bowl with a pull-free cover, you can eat the salad and then reuse the bowl it came in for the rest of your camping trip.
Drop off your recyclables on the way home
When camping, always make sure you pack out what you packed in. You don't want the camping site to look any different than it looked when you arrived. You should separate all your recyclables into bags and put them where they are easy accessible. On your way back home, stop by a drop off recycling service and turn in your recyclables.